Tuesday, January 24, 2012

This Week...

...at Christian Union Church

We will continue our discussion of "Call" as we look at the calling of the disciples from Mark 1:14-20

We have a congregational meeting and potluck lunch directly following our 10a service. Everyone is invited to attend this meeting and please bring something to share. Since Pastor Amy is preaching this week, Pastor Josh is in charge of our covered dish. It will be legendary...or something like that.

Our first Fireside Chat was a success. We had thought provoking discussion about the life of Jonah, how we receive forgiveness, and to whom forgiveness should be offered. We will not meet this week due to the congregational meeting but make plans for the next Fireside Chat, February 5th!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

jonah's second chance

This week we are continuing our study on "call" by looking at the life of Jonah...the reluctant prophet. Oh boy was he reluctant.

When I was growing up, anytime Jonah was discussed the story ended with the people of Nineveh repenting. The story went something like: Jonah was stuck in the belly of the whale and had a change of heart. He prayed and God heard his prayer and caused the great fish to vomit him onto the shore where he was pretty close to Nineveh...the great city. Jonah journeys the rest of the distance, arrives, preaches and everyone repents. God decides not to destroy Nineveh. Cue fireworks and streamers.

The end....

Of course that is all well and good but it not quite the story the text tells. Jonah prays, the fish spits Jonah up. God tells Jonah to go to Nineveh. Jonah makes the three day walk to Nineveh: the great city and preaches the shortest, least inspiring sermon one has ever heard. Miracle of miracles, everyone believes Jonah, the tear their clothes and fast in repentance - even the animals are sorry. (Does this strike anyone else as humorous? The prophets have been preaching to Israel for YEARS and YEARS and YEARS to repent and nothing has happened. Jonah walks into the city and says repent and everyone listens.) Anyway, God relents and spares the city. Jonah is not happy. Jonah goes up to the hill and complains to God. God talks to Jonah. Jonah is still unhappy. That is the ending of the story.

It is not one of those endings that grabs you...it is a bit anticlimactic. Yet, it is the ending of the book of Jonah.

Immediately, I want to ask why? I find that I, like many others, am tempted to end the story on the note of repentance instead of with Jonah who is acting like a pouting Polly.

If I end with the repentance, I fail to recognize that Jonah was given a second chance. Earlier in the story, Jonah really screws up. He ignores the task God has given him and runs away. But, God saves Jonah and gives him a second chance. Yet, Jonah is unhappy when God offers a second chance to the Ninevites...Why?

Of course, the bigger question: Am I like Jonah? Is there anyone I am not willing to offer a second chance? 

Just a little something to think about this week.

Join us at 11:15 for the Fireside chats and we will spend some time discussing this question as well as few others.